It’s said that you should make a dentist appointment every six months. This will allow your pearly whites to get the professional treatment that they need to stay nice and healthy. That doesn’t mean you can neglect your teeth for six months at a time.
You’ve got to have a regular dental care routine to keep gum disease and other complications at bay. For some people, this is easier said than done.
In the daily hustle and bustle, it’s easy to collapse on your bed each night without brushing your teeth. Avoid this temptation when you can, and keep these other oral health tips in mind.
- Floss Every Day
You’ve got to do a little more than brush your teeth to maintain a gorgeous smile. It’s hard for your toothbrush to get in between your teeth, so food particles sit there. This leads to bacteria growth, which leads to cavities.
There are many benefits of flossing. This is why it’s recommended that you add it to your routine. This way, you can dislodge those food particles and scrub them away.
- Kick Soda to the Curb
It’s okay to indulge in the occasional soda, but don’t make a habit out of it. The ingredients in the can that make the drink fizzy will destroy your tooth enamel. Not to mention, sodas are full of sugar.
Stick to water. If you don’t like the taste, you can toss in some fruit to add a little extra flavor.
- Brush Twice a Day
As you go about your day, plaque builds up on your teeth. It’s an invisible substance that eats away at your tooth enamel and causes cavities. The only way to keep it to manageable levels is to brush your teeth at least twice a day.
Of course, brushing doesn’t work if you don’t do it the right way. Make sure you’re holding your brush at a 45-degree angle and go over each tooth at least 10-15 times.
- Switch Your Toothbrush Out
That old toothbrush that you’ve had for 5+ years isn’t doing you any favors. It will still get the job done, but those worn bristles aren’t quite as effective as they could be.
That’s why you’ve got to change out your brush every four months or so.
- Stop Smoking
The tar and other nasty ingredients found in cigarettes will stimulate bacterial growth in your mouth and increase the amount of plaque that you have to deal with. No matter how often you brush your teeth, it won’t be enough to keep gum disease and other complications away.
Even setting up a dentist visit on a normal basis won’t help. If you continue to smoke after your appointment, you’ll undo all the good the doctor does.
Dental Care Tips to Live by
Going to the dentist on a normal basis can help keep your pearly whites in great condition. You will have to do some additional work in-between visits, or it will undo everything.
Follow these dental care tips to impress your dentist and take care of your smile.
Are you having issues creating a good oral health routine? We can help! Check out our blog daily to learn more.