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preschools in Gurgaon

The early childhood education is a powerful approach acting as a channel to promote continued success in schools, workplace and also in social and civic realms. It is well said by researchers that children learn naturally through play with the teachers facilitating opportunities for play in the school premises. Children who are taught at an early age usually benefit in the following way such as improved social skills, little or no need of special education in the later stages of life. If a child lags in the early years of education at preschool, chances are they might face difficulties in the catching up.

The first day of Kindergarten marks the child’s first steps into the journey of pursuing an education. The parent’s decision to enroll their child in day care these days in schools in Gurgaon allows ample opportunities for children to gain access to socialization experiences as well as physical and cognitive development.


  • Play is socially interactive as play allows children to communicate ideas, to understand others through social interaction, paving the way to build deeper understanding and more powerful relationships.
  • Play is meaningful as children play to make sense of the world around them, and to find meaning in an experience by connecting it to something already known. Through play-based learning, children exhibit and expand their understanding of their experiences.
  • Play is actively engaging as children while playing become deeply involved, often combining physical, mental and verbal engagement.
  • Play is joyful for children as the overall feeling is one of enjoyment, motivation, thrill and pleasure.
  • Play helps in the physical development of children by pushing them to new challenges and build fine motor skills. As children learn to handle small objects, they build the strength and coordination critical in writing skills.
  • Play allows children to work with others that help them develop an awareness of differences in people around them. These experiences in preschool provide a foundation for learning how to solve problems and communicate with peers. Play also helps build positive leadership qualities among children.


From offering children a chance to ask questions, solve problems, work collaboratively and conduct structured experimentation, play is a key component of learning at preschools in Gurgaon. Teachers at preschools in Gurgaon bring a sense of play into the classroom by taking an activity-based approach to nearly every subject.

For instance; teachers read a book aloud and encourage young students to turn each page and follow each word with their fingers. The teachers also insist students to speak to each other about the content they have read, and to discuss about the associations it sparks from their own lives.  Teachers also engage students’ imaginations and sense of curiosity by asking “What do you think will happen next?”

Students are free to bring stories to life through dramatic play in the classroom setting. As children at preschools in Gurgaon are given freedom to act out scenes and express themselves, they improve their social confidence, increase their ability to see the perspectives of others and learn to act playfully in social surroundings.


At preschools in Gurgaon, we seek to teach children that learning is not just a formal activity they do in the classroom—it’s actually a lot of fun! One of the objectives is to give kids opportunities to question, wonder, and work as a team, experiment, and play with different possibilities and inquire subjects that interest them. For example, in our arts and crafts class, teachers give students the opportunity to draw from their imagination. Then they ask students to explain, “Why did you make that?” “What did you make it out of? What is the purpose of that drawing?”

This teacher engagement supports children in their creativity, while also challenging them to think about why they chose to create that particular drawing. It also involves them to think through the challenges they solved in generating it and helps them become more confident in their problem solving abilities.

Our objective at preschools in Gurgaon is to help students learn to put questions in front of their teachers; express themselves, collaborate with others, and participate in creative activities. The teachers at preschools in Gurgaon also prepare them to retain their natural curiosity and to never lose the excitement of learning something new. All these experiences are achieved by making learning fun for children.

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