
Cigar Guide: AJ Fernandez Cigars History and What to Buy

Tabacalera Fernandez, well known as AJ Fernandez Cigars, is a renowned name in the modern cigar world. With roots belonging to Cuba and the chief facility in Nicaragua, the cigar maker has been serving the world with some of the most delicious smokes for the last over two decades. Through its products, the company makes it possible for smokers to experience its culture and the finest tobacco.

The AJ Fernandez cigar legacy raised in Cuba. Today, its third generation is producing unparalleled premium cigars in Nicaragua. According to the brand, AJ himself handles the facility’s day-to-day operation to ensure that the superior quality is maintained.

AJ Fernandez products are superior quality cigars, hand-rolled by skilled artisans. They follow the brand’s inherited technique and their knowledge around the product to provide an unparalleled experience in the form of cigars.

In the 21st-century cigar world, AJ Fernandez is one of the most popular cigar manufacturers around the world. Started years ago in Cuba, AJ Fernandez Cigars produces a range of quality cigar products today. They include some of the most popular cigars like AJ Fernandez Last Call, AJ Fernandez San Lotano Dominicano, AJ Fernandez Dias de Gloria, and several others.

History of AJ Fernandez Cigars

The emergence of the brand is one of the most interesting in the cigar industry. Its history dates back to the beautiful Cuban town San Luís, where Abdel’s grandfather founded San Lotano, which is one of the most famous brands in Nicaragua. Today, it produces on an average 9 million cigars each year and supplies its products to dozens of countries globally.

Tabacalera Fernandez started a decrepit facility in Estelí, Nicaragua, with just six rollers. Raised in Cuba, AJ is the third generation of the cigar-producing family. Keeping the tradition alive, AJ has been producing the same quality cigars that were produced years ago.

In just a few years after its launch, the brand reached the global cigar market and made a special place for its products. In 2011, Cigar Journal named San Lotano Oval #2 cigar of the year.

Currently, AJ Fernandez manages the brand’s operations at its Nicaragua factory, where experienced professionals roll quality cigars with hands. These cigars are popular for their highest-quality tobacco leaves.

To make sure that the best leaves are chosen to craft the products, the brand houses a selective team of experts from the cigar industry who use their knowledge and skills to choose the finest ingredients to produce proficiently aged and amalgamated cigars, comprising a collection of AJ Fernandez San Lotano, AJ Fernandez enclave, and others.

AJ Fernandez Cigars to Buy

AJ Fernandez Cigars produces a wide range of cigars. They are different from each other in terms of blend, strength, and flavor profile. When choosing a product, buyers can also consider the cigar type, size, and various other aspects.

Here are some popular AJ Fernandez brands to try for unusual smoke experience:

  • New World

This AJ Fernandez brand is extremely popular among smokers for its fresh spice and strange but delicious sweetness, thanks to its expert construction. It offers a rich and medium to full-bodied blend that gives the opportunity to smoke some strength in the form of a cigar. The cigar provides a strong flavor that can be enjoyed on occasion to experience sophistication.

  • Enclave

With its roots belonging to Tabacalera Fernandez in Esteli, Nicaragua, AJ Fernandez enclave is an attractive cigar with the poised flavor profile. The cigar comprises of spice, pepper, cedar, and cinnamon. One of the most amazing things about enclave cigars is that they provide smokers with a unique experience. Each puff allows a smoker to taste a blend of chocolate, coffee, spices, cedar, and baked nuts. The cigar comes in Habano Rosado wrapper covering a Cameroon binder.

  • Bellas Artes

Smokers who wish to experience a blend of complex and tasteful tobacco should go for Bellas Artes by AJ Fernandez. Wrapped in dark Connecticut covering, the cigar offers a unique yet aromatic flavor that cannot be expected in any other cigar brand. Honduran, Brazillian, Nicaraguan tobacco fillers make it stand apart from other cigars in the industry.

Bellas Artes are available in multiple types, including Short Churchill 6 x 48, Gordo 6 1/2 x 58, Robusto Extra 5 1/2 x 52, and Toro 6 x 54. Buyers can get them in a pack of 20 cigars.

In the end

AJ Fernandez Cigars is one of the most famous brands in the world’s cigar industry. There are plenty of reasons to buy its cigars. They include its high-quality raw materials and attractive wrapping. In addition, the company doesn’t use modern-day technology to roll its cigars. The brand’s cigars are hand-rolled by experienced professionals. In short, it makes smokers have a rich tobacco experience in the form of cigars.

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