Most of us spend maximum time of our day sitting in front of screens which includes computer, phones and television. While sitting affects our body posture, continuously looking at screens affect our eyes. After long working hours in front of screens, our eyes itch from exhaustion and burn tirelessly. This also results in increasing the eye power of spectacles.
You might not find it necessary to exercise your eyes because there are not any immediate symptoms or signs of weak or tired eyes but it is important to protect your eyes from hazy spots and blurry vision in the future. One of the best ways to do so is to try yoga exercises for eyes. Yoga for eyes can be done at any time of the day, which requires a few minutes. Yoga teacher training in India will give you an in depth knowledge of asanas, pranayama and meditation and their benefits. But not everyone can go up to that level, but we can do some exercises to keep us fit in simple ways.
Some of the effective yoga poses for improving eyesight are:
1. Blink
Open your eyes wide and blink about 10 times. Close your eyes for around 20 seconds and repeat this four more times. We should blink around 25 times in one minute. But many of us don’t do that, especially when we are focusing on computer or smartphone. This helps in nourishing your eye, relaxing the eye muscles and preventing dry eyes.
2. Palming
Rub your palms together till some heat is generated. Then place your warm palms on your eyes and hold it for a few seconds. This exercise is another form of relaxation which will be beneficial for your eyes, especially after a long day at work.
If you have gone to a yoga school, it is definite that you will be aware of this exercise. Being a yoga enthusiast, you should definitely pay a visit to a Yoga school in India which is the birthplace of yoga.
3. Sideways & Rotation
Now, you have to stretch your eye muscles. Move your eyes slowly from side to side and then in a circle. You can also use your finger and move it in a circle, and allow your eyes to follow the finger. Your neck should not move and repeat these exercises for around 20 times.
4. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)
This asana is not only beneficial for your eyes but your brain too.
To perform this asana:
- Lie down on a mat.
- Use your arms, lift your body waist downwards in the air so that your legs are straight and toes pointed outwards.
This pose helps in stimulating blood circulation in the brain and optic nerve. You can also lie on your back and lift your legs upward, as much as you can. This exercise increases blood circulation to the eyes, brain, ears and nose, which improve their functioning. This pose is also helpful in detoxifying and maximizing the functioning of all the other organs.
5. Bhramari Pranayama
Bhramari Pranayama is also known as the humble bee breath, is a very calming exercise and can stop the unnecessary noise in your head, making you feel relaxed with only a few breaths. To practice this pranayama, you have to sit on the floor cross-legged or however you feel comfortable. Now, place your fingers over your eyes horizontally. While keeping the fingers on your eyes horizontally, exhale and when you inhale make a bee like buzzing sound. Keep in mind that you should apply very little pressure on the eyeball and your lips should be closed.
To obtain a solid knowledge in yoga or to become a yoga trainer, you should attend Yoga teacher training in Rishikesh which is led by instructors with a strong knowledge of yoga who present accurate yogic theory. The courses in the program will strengthen your own practice which will allow you to use your own experience to teach others with confidence.

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