Anyone who doesn’t want to be affected by fleas and other kinds of insects must hire a professional flea removal Phoenix service to protect their homes. They can do effective pest control that will eliminate the population of harmful insects.
Insects are everywhere. The world has more than a million known species of insects. Many of them are beneficial to the environment and to humans.
But, there are also some that can inflict harm to humans and animals. They can be harmful by carrying diseases or by being able to inflict terrible pain causing complications and even death.
There are five particular insects you should look out for in your house. They are fleas, Asian hornets, fire ants, wasps, and tsetse flies.
Fleas feed on warm-blooded vertebrates. They are noted today to infest house pets. But they can also infest rats and other wild animals. Bite wounds from fleas can swell to a pustule and become an allergy.
Asian hornets can grow up to 3 inches long but it is not their size that makes them scary or dangerous — it is their sting.
They can inflict the most painful sting among stinging insects. Their venom contains 8 chemicals that can cause tissue damage. It also produces an odor that can attract other hornets to the victim.
Another insect that also causes excruciating pain is the fire ant. They got their name from the burning sensation the victim feels they have been stung.
Fire ants are dangerous because they attack en masse. If you’re not too quick to escape from one fire ant, more fire ants can swarm over you and inflict more pain that can paralyze you.
Other than white pustules showing on your bite wounds after 24 hours, paralysis and other complications are causes of fire ant bites that you should avoid.
Wasps sting humans only when they are threatened. Unlike bees, wasps can sting repeatedly, which intensifies the pain. A wasp sting can cause allergic reactions.
But it can also cause unpleasant effects in a person like anaphylactic shock, suffocation and worse, death.
Tsetse flies can be found only in Africa. They are most often mistaken for houseflies. Tsetse flies are infamously known to carry a sleeping sickness disease.
When they bite, they inject a chemical that infects the human nervous system, causing flu and later a coma, due to the swelling of the brain. The sleeping sickness most often leads to the death of the victim. Every year, 250-300 lives die from the sleeping sickness caused by tsetse flies.
A home is never a good home if it’s near dangers. Bad people aren’t the only ones to watch out for but also those little but harmful creatures.
Apart from doing your own lawn pest control, you can also use the help of the local pest service. Sometimes, you can harm yourself by doing pest control by yourself. But professional pest controllers know the effective ways of dealing with pests without endangering you.
They will give you a home pest control service that is worth your budget, your time, and your health.
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