Diamonds have always been the preferred gemstone for weddings and engagements. However, in recent times women are looking forward to something new, exclusive and unique. This is where the fire opal engagement rings steps into the picture. One of the unique facts of these rings is that no one can have the same type of this ring-like someone else. It is a unique creation of nature. They are bold, bright, and light and its bright shine can be easily seen from a distance. When set in platinum, diamond or gold, the entire charm of the person wearing it gets enhanced.
Tips To Choose The Right Opal Engagement Rings:
With so many choices of shapes and colors, it becomes difficult to choose the right oval ring. Here are some tips that you can use for selecting the best fire opal engagement rings.
Shape of the Ring-
Usually most of these rings are oval in shape and this shape is natural. The natural material of the ring bends it to give it an oval shape. However, you can also get boulder shaped oval rings which are usually kept in a free form of shape.
Color of the Body of the Ring-
You will find varieties of fire opal engagement rings that can range from black opal to light opal to matrix opal. The texture and tone of the ring body will define the colors of the opal that are displayed. Always choose the dark-colored body opals because color of the opals gets brighter with darker colors. This is one of the reasons why black fire opal engagement rings are the costliest ones. The value of the opals are determined not only by the opal color but it is one of the appealing parts of opal. The most common colors include- blue and purple, yellow, orange, red, and green. However, the most expensive and the rarest of all ovals is the red oval.
Design of the Ring-
Another best way of choosing the best opal is by selecting the best design. These oval rings need special care and attention because these fire opal engagement rings can be worn on a daily basis. Usually, metal is used for making the edges of the rings and is usually available in an opal bezel set. Metal edges have been made so that one can protect this ring and can use it for the long term. Those who chose these rings will definitely have something unique as their asset only if it properly taken care of.
Ways to Take Care of your Opal Engagement Rings:
Fire opal engagement rings can be cleaned up with the use of mild detergent mixed with warm water. You can use a soft cloth or a toothbrush to clean up. Do not make use of any harsh chemicals, cleansers or bleach. However, if you have doublets or triplets, make sure that you do not soak or immerse them in water completely. Just make use of mild detergent and warm water to clean it up. Maintaining them is very important because of their value and cost.
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