Many things could motivate you to consider seeking the services of a cosmetic dentist. It could be something to do with the color of your teeth, the alignment of your teeth, or even the number of your teeth (like where you have some conspicuous teeth missing, hence messing up with your look). A visit to the cosmetic dentist in Richmond, VA could be something you have always wanted to do, but which, due to lack of resources – either time resources or financial resources – you could have kept on postponing, until now that you can make it.
As cosmetic dentistry gets more and more popular, the demand for right cosmetic dentists increases. It is essential to find an excellent cosmetic dentist in Richmond, VA. A smile makeover carried out by a cosmetic dentist can improve the way you look. Some people may want a ‘Hollywood smile’ with perfect white straight veneers. Other people may wish natural-looking veneers or just having their metal fillings replaced with white fillings by a cosmetic-dentist. Whatever you do not like about your smile, cosmetic dentistry can help you achieve your desired result. Cosmetic dentistry courses include porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, dental implants, and dental bridges. Also, clear braces are a popular cosmetic dentistry course.
There are usually a few good ways to find an excellent cosmetic dentist
- Recommendations from friends or relatives.
- An Internet search for a local dentist.
Usually, a visit to the cosmetic-dentist will be by appointment. These are typically busy professionals, seeing that there are only so many of them, dealing with the cosmetic dentistry problems of vast numbers of people. A chat with your usual dentist could also yield a referral to a cosmetic dentist she knows of. Depending on your country of residence, you may also be able to use a web-based dentist locator service to identify a suitable cosmetic dentist. Once you are in the cosmetic dentist’s clinic, you can expect the usual probing questions associated with dentists.
Remember, when all is said and done, the cosmetic dentist is not a beautician, but a doctor of dentistry. Before making up their mind as to whether to proceed with the cosmetic-dentistry or not (and if yes, what cosmetic dentistry procedure to use), they will be keen on knowing whether you have any health conditions that contra-indicate such methods.
Most cosmetic dentistry procedures are not painful so that you have nothing to fear in that respect. Some can, however, be slightly uncomfortable. Virtually all of them will involve keeping your mouth wide open for extended periods. If it a tooth discoloration problem you have, the cosmetic dentist may decide to use a dental bleach on you, and you can expect a bit of enhanced tooth sensitivity under its usage. Where it is a tooth alignment problem you are looking to resolve, the cosmetic dentist will probably put you on suitable braces, and it will be up to you to wear them consistently to bring about your much-desired look. The pair can be a little bit uncomfortable to wear for the first day, but you soon get used to them. Where it is a missing tooth problem we are looking at, the solution may lie in replacing it with an artificial one (most probably preceded by the installation of a dental implant); or the bonding or veneering of the space where the tooth is supposed to be present. Before letting you go, the cosmetic dentist will most probably do a brief dental check up on you to see whether there might be any major undetected problems in your mouth. The cosmetic dentist is also likely to give you follow-up appointments, and it is in your best interest to keep up with them to ensure that you keep them, to get the best possible care.
What is for sure is that a visit to the cosmetic dentist is nothing to be particularly anxious about, as most procedures that take place there are not particularly painful or otherwise uncomfortable.