Creating a diet chart for kids might look simple and easy, but new parents often end up committing a lot of mistakes while making it. The mistakes however small they sound can lead to multiple health problems and turn your children into a fussy-eater over time.
Here are the most basic mistakes to avoid when creating the diet chart for children for the overall well-being of your kid.
Not Maintaining A Schedule
The schedule is part of diet-planning and is an essential aspect to consider. However, most parents tend to overlook the importance of having a schedule in their kid’s life. Besides supporting your child for the development of a healthy relationship with their food, scheduling snacks and meals can lend a sense of security amongst your children as they understand that they would get to eat another meal soon.
This understanding that there is a meal waiting for them soon, will take off their pressure to eat when they are not hungry, and besides, it can also aid in preventing the tantrums related to hunger.
Skipping Breakfasts
Children nowadays are continuously on the move, right from their karate classes to playschools and their day wraps in with extra coaching classes and extracurricular activities training. This kind of schedule can drain any kid off their energy as per the nutrition counselors. So according to pediatricians, the ideal food combination must comprise three major food groups inclusive of grains and cereal, milk products, and fresh greens.
While parents think it to be okay to skip breakfasts when creating a diet chart for children, it is the most important meal of the day which would help your child to remain full and active throughout their busy day.
Overlooking the Concept of Hidden Hunger in Children
Hidden hunger is not an alienated term but is prevalent amongst children. What parents consider particular nutritious foods to be adequate in terms of fats and carbs can be deprived of micronutrients. A food that you consider to be nutritious might not be so. So, children feeding on these diets might henceforth have deficiencies of important micronutrients and so get hungry in some sense. The alarming factor about this is it might end up restraining your child from achieving their mental and physical potential.
Dieting During Sickness
Starving your children during their illness is absolutely wrong. Rather serve them energy-loaded cereal-pulse diets with mashed veggies and milk products. Serve smaller quantities during frequent intervals. Given them adequate fluids during their sickness. You can also take the help of an oral rehydration solution to prevent them from dehydration problems during diarrhoeal episodes.
These are some of the most common mistakes done by parents when creating a diet chart for kids. Upon avoiding these mistakes, you can help your child to have a healthy brain and body.