Nausea attacks almost every person once. It occurs due to pregnancy, hangover after too much alcohol, gastrointestinal infections, food poisoning and some of the common causes.
Feeling nauseous is never pleasant, but, in many cases, it is inevitable. Suffering from a stomach virus, having eaten something that has not seated us well or another type of condition can cause nausea.
It is important to know that suffering from nausea can affect our oral health, so it will be essential to take extra care of our mouth when we suffer these episodes.
Nausea causes:
- There are a large number of causes that can make your stomach ache and causes nausea.
- There are many women who, during their pregnancy and especially the first months, suffer episodes of dizziness, malaise, and regular vomiting.
- Others suffer a more severe type of ailment called hyperemesis gravidarum. It is characterized by constant vomiting and nausea throughout pregnancy.
- Another reason we can feel constantly dizzy or nauseous can be if we suffer from any other condition such as gallbladder, an ulcer or other damage to the head or brain.
- Nausea can also appear when we suffer from another pain if we feel very stressed or taking any type of medication that causes side effects.
- There are people who may experience nausea when they visit a dentist near me. This situation may be caused by bad past experience.
- If we have abscesses in our mouth or any gum disease, it may be that the drainage of the bacteria to our stomach is the cause of our nausea.
Oral health and vomiting:
- Acids and bile that rise from our stomach to our mouth to be expelled by it can cause damage to our teeth, throat, and gums.
- It is important to take extra care of our mouth, even when we are not well. After vomiting, we should rinse our mouth with clean water and advisable to use a mouthwash that contains fluoride.
- We should keep in mind that brushing our teeth immediately after vomiting can cause additional problems.
- The acids in our stomach weaken the enamel of our teeth, so brushing them immediately can erode them.
- We recommend brushing your teeth with a paste containing fluoride.
- Vomiting frequently can have negative effects on our oral health.
- Conditions such as redness, dryness of the tongue and mouth, chronic pain in the throat or erosion of the enamel that protects our teeth are some of those effects.
- Erosion increases the risk of tooth decay, causing cavities and tooth sensitivity.
- The harmful fluids produced by gastroesophageal reflux are very acidic and can have a great negative impact on our oral health.
- Reflux can get worse if we follow harmful lifestyle habits that include smoking, drinking, abusing medication and not taking care of our diet.
- When the acid reaches our mouth through the esophagus it can causes erosion in our tooth enamel.
- We recommend that, in case of experiencing reflux, wait until 30 minutes to 1 hour after each episode to brush our teeth.
- Brushing them too soon can increase the risk of erosion since the acid is still present in our mouth.
- A dental hospital near me can recommend different treatment options to prevent erosion of our teeth.
- The first is remineralization that helps to provide long-term protection of our teeth. Other options include a fluoride application.
- The most advisable thing is to ask our dentist for an appointment to find out which treatment corresponds to us according to our case.
Medication to prevent nausea:
- Some medications recommended preventing nausea can have side effects that can negatively impact our oral health.
- Dry mouth is a common side effect when we medicate, reducing the amount of saliva in our mouth.
- In addition to unpleasant, dryness can lead to oral conditions such as inflammation or irritation, increasing the risk of gum disease, tooth decay or infections.
- Gum swelling is another effect of medication, which can cause an increased risk of periodontal disease or the growth of bacteria.
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