Recently, the work of search engines has become more sophisticated and accurate. When issuing results for a search query, at the top are the best results “according to” search robots. Sites with lower rates will be displayed below, and bad resources can be completely removed from the list. At the same time, sorting occurs using a complex system of various filters.
It is impossible to say with confidence that all known filters exist. However, to avoid falling under them, it is better to play it safe and use all the opportunities to deal with the ban.
First of all, it concerns the content of the site. It needs to be replenished regularly, especially for young resources. It should be borne in mind that only qualitative and unique information will benefit.
Experienced webmasters recommend updating the site at least once a day. The most suitable option is twice a day. Besides, do not ignore external links from promoted sites. And if you encounter any problems, you should immediately contact the PS support service and eliminate the causes.
The most popular and reputable search engines in our time are Google and Yandex. Also, each of the systems has its filters. First, let’s look at Google filters and how to deal with them.
One of the most common filters that are applied to young sites that exist for less than six months is the Sandbox. If your resource fell under it, then your pages will not get into the search results for high-frequency queries.
However, with low-frequency queries, everything will be all right. It should be noted that the duration of such quarantine can be from a couple of months to several years. Determining if your site is under this filter is very simple.
To do this, your resource must be indexed, but constantly visited by a search robot. It should be easy to find by rare phrases and give the correct results when searching by domain, but for other queries, it will not be in the first thousand, even for the keywords under which the site was optimized. To leave the “sandbox” your resource will help natural external links.
The Bombing filter is applied by Google PS to those sites that have many external links with the same anchor. This is considered unnatural, due to the identical text, so when buying links pname com skype raider, you must be very careful about key phrases and monitor their uniqueness.
If the site falls under the “Additional Results” filter, the resource pages will be under the index, that is, below the “good” results. Thus, they will be visible only if there are too few sites with a positive reputation. To exit this filter, several high-quality incoming links are enough.
The Bowling filter is the result of black SEO techniques against your website that are aimed at banning it. This is most relevant for young resources with low TrustRank indicators.
If you suspect any of your competitors in this dishonest case, notify the search engine and apply for entering your pages in the PS index.
Continuing the topic of black SEO, it is worth noting the “-30” filter. It applies to those sites that use redirects and doorways. When a search robot detects such mechanisms, the site rating drops by thirty points. You can get rid of this filter by removing all these inserts from the code.
There is also a filter that fights plagiarism. That is, content published earlier cannot be placed again on either the same site or on any other.
Also, the resource pages can fall under the filter and fall out of the search results with a small number of incoming links, duplicate headers, and tags, weak internal linking. These deficiencies need to be addressed, or better yet simply not allowed.
Despite the enormous benefits that external links bring to the site, they should appear gradually. Their rapid growth will not go unnoticed by search robots, which can lead to a ban.
Also, special attention should be paid to the location of external links. That is, a positive effect will be only if the site linking to you is on a similar topic. Otherwise, it can negatively affect the thematic nature of your site and lower its rating in search results.
When optimizing a resource, you need to know the measure, since too many key phrases and meta tags can lead to a filter.
Be sure to check the functionality of links to pages on your site. If a search robot stumbles upon a missing page, this can negatively affect the results of search results. It is also necessary to ensure that the resource loads quickly enough, otherwise the search engine will refuse to index it.
Google PS pays great attention to TrustRank, which determines the age of the site, the number of high-quality incoming links, outgoing links, and internal linking. The search results are largely dependent on this indicator.
As for Yandex filters, there are also a considerable number of them. For example, the AGS removes from the search results pages of a resource that are created for search spam. In this case, no more than fifteen pages will remain in the search, regardless of their total number. The main reason for applying this filter is substandard content.
Like Google, Yandex blocks sites for using javascript redirects and doorways. This also applies to too much keyword concentration. Duplicated pages of the resource can lead to the imposition of a filter from Yandex, so you need to pay special attention to the uniqueness of articles and it is advisable to protect them from copying by other webmasters.
Also, Yandex Substation may ban the Internet site or its pages for the massive sale of links from the resource. Therefore, in order not to fall under this filter, it is necessary to sell outgoing links with extreme caution, and it’s better to completely abandon this activity.
Recently, active advertising systems have become very popular, the use of which can be considered a direct way to excluding all search engines from the rating. Considering that the attention of search robots has noticeably increased precisely to behavioral factors, traffic cheat can be expensive!
If your site is too often affected by filters, then it will not have a full life on the Internet vumoo. Avoiding search engine sanctions is not difficult, the main thing is not to break the rules and do your job for the benefit of the people!
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