Tummy tucks, also known as abdominoplasty, is one of the most common cosmetic procedures performed today. The goal of the surgery is to improve the look of the patients’ abdomen. Any excess skin and fat are removed from the abdomen area and the connective tissues in the abdomen are usually tightened with sutures. The skin that remains is repositioned around the stomach to create a toned and uniform look.
You may choose to have a tummy tuck done for a number of reasons; for example, if you have excess fat, loose skin or weakened connective tissues. This may be caused by:
- Pregnancy
- Ageing
- Losing/gaining a significant amount of weight
- Your natural body type
Due to these factors and more, some people are just unable to achieve the flat stomach that they so desire. With a tummy tuck procedure, you can gain your confidence back and start loving your body.
Tummy tucks can also remove those pesky stretch marks, and loose skin underneath your belly button. If you gave birth and had to have a c-section, you can ask your surgeon to incorporate your c-section scar into your tummy tuck scar.
Tummy tucks are able to be done in combination with other cosmetic surgeries, like breast surgery or liposuction. In fact, a tummy tuck is usually done in conjunction with lipo because there is usually excess skin remaining after getting lipo.
There are some risks that a tummy tuck poses, and you should be aware of them before making a decision to go through with the procedure. Those include:
- Excess fluids/fluid accumulation beneath the skin. This is known as seroma.
- Unexpected scarring along the incision line. Varies from person to person.
- Slow or poor healing.
- Changes in sensation on the skin around the incision line.
- Tissue damage in the abdominal area or tissue death.
Like any other major surgical procedures, cosmetic or not, there are risks associated with the operation. Other than the ones mentioned above, a tummy tuck can pose the risk of bleeding, infection or an adverse reaction to anesthesia used.
With all this being said, there can be excessive scarring involved after the procedure, because the incision needed to perform the surgery is a considerable length. While this is completely normal, some patients may wish to minimize the amount of scarring as much as possible. Read on to find out measures you can take in order to minimize the appearance of scars.
Reduce Scarring From A Tummy Tuck: Pre-Op
Here are some things you can do before your operation to reduce scarring:
Select the Right Surgeon
Selecting the right surgeon is the first step in making sure you can minimize the look of scarring. Take a look at your potential surgeon’s portfolio to see before and after pictures. This will give you an idea of their skillset and their results. You will want to hire a surgeon who is reputable and has proven themselves to be skillful.
Stop Smoking
Smoking affects your skin’s ability to heal itself and turn over new skin cells, which affects your body’s ability to heal cuts or bruises. If you’re serious about minimizing your scars, you should stop smoking at least six weeks before your tummy tuck operation. This will also reduce the chance of complications during the surgery.
Speak with Your Surgeon
Have a conversation with your surgeon before your surgery. You should get details like what the shape of the scar will be (V- or U-shaped scar) and what it will look like. You can also bring up any specific concerns you might have about scarring.
Minimizing Tummy Tuck Scarring After the Procedure
After going through the tummy tuck procedure, patients can use different measures to address scar prevention.
Avoid Physical Exertion
You should avoid any vigorous activities like playing sports or exercising, this includes sexual activity or anything that may include lifting heavy objects. Try to avoid stretching or putting pressure on your abdomen, especially on the incision. You don’t want to risk any tearing or internal damage.
Don’t Spend Too Much Time in the Sun and Use Sun Protection
Scars that are exposed to too much sunlight often appear redder or darker in colour. This is because the UV rays react differently with scarred skin. Exposing your scar for long periods of time will affect how it heals and what it looks like after it heals. It will often appear darker than the surrounding skin if sun exposure is not avoided. If you cannot avoid going into the sun, be sure to use sunscreen.
Use Vitamin E Oil
Studies have shown vitamin E oil to be effective at reducing the visibility of scars when used topically. Make sure that the oil you get is 100% pure vitamin E oil. It should be applied to your scar at least once a day for the first few months. You can also massage the scar tissue once it heals, this will help blood flow in the tissue and cells and also help you minimize the appearance of the scar.
Scar Tape
After your operation, you can ask your surgeon to recommend a scar tape to help minimize the appearance of your scar. You may apply this product to your scar after your wound is healed. The scar tape from myScarTape uses no chemicals or agents, meaning it is the most sensitive product that your skin can tolerate.
Proper Diet and Nutrition
Not eating the right foods to provide your body with the right nutrition will negatively impact your ability to heal your wounds. What you eat during your recovery process is a crucial part of making sure you minimize scarring. The longer it takes for your wound to heal the more likely it will have a scar more pronounced. Vitamin A, C and zinc help with fighting infection and speeding up the healing process. Be sure you also get enough protein for optimal tissue growth and repair.
With all this in mind, it is important to realize that the tummy tuck procedure will leave you with a permanent scar. Weigh the pros and cons when thinking about going forward. Do the benefits outweigh the disadvantages of having a scar? If so, it will be worth it to you.
Author’s Bio
Robyn Hang is a content writer for BreezeMaxWeb. When she’s not writing, you can find her singing karaoke in her car or brushing up on her Mandarin.